‘The Negotiator’ directed by F Gary Gray, released on the 27th November 1998 is a truly propelling performance by Sam. He plays as a police officer who has been wrongly accused for the murder of his partner. This is truly a film of spectacular performances by actors from the likes of Kevin Spacey and David Morse. Samuel (once again) shows the power of speech and mind over matter with the way in which he controls the situation with the hostages he takes. The art of an auteur is definitely shown when he is brought to the screen, due to the fact his monologues symbolise him as a person and the person who is in front of the camera. He uses the tactics of being an officer to get towards the truth about what has happened.
I remember the first time I watched ‘The Negotiator,’ I was 11 years old at the time. I loved the films energy and to be honest, the amount of profanity that Samuel L Jackson uses in all of his films keeps me entertained also. When I heard about ‘Snakes On A Plane’ I was very worried if my opinion of Samuel would change but when I built up the courage and bit my lip, the film surprisingly worked and kept me on the edge of my seat. Samuel is a professional at what he does and is a true example of an auteur.